Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's The Primary Reason A Massage Prospect Would Choose You or Your Business?

How To Get More New Clients

Today let's talk about marketing your Massage Therapy practice.

Here is the assumption; you are a small practice, a place to call your own and you need clients.

You have already tried, or hopefully not tried printing flyers, giving everyone you meet your business card and calling all the family and friends you know.

If you were enterprising you may have place an ad in the newspaper but that is not sustainable. So now what?  What can you do to get more clients.

The first question you should ask yourself is; Why should someone do business with me?  Why should they not go to someone else who does massages? What makes me special, different, unique?

In a lot of the cases, especially in your local market the perpetual question in your prospects mind is; Why should I massage anyway?  What do I get out of it?

Now if your prospective client knew the benefits of a professional massage they would be begging you for an appointment.  But that's not the case, they know nothing about you, they do not understand what a deep tissue massage does.  For example, if they are over 50 and have never been massaged what would you want to tell them? If they were in constant pain; what would you tell them?

These are questions your should ask and be able to respond to for before you  introduce yourself.  Know the  benefits of not only the massage but why you?  If you are a therapist and you are reading this answer the questions.  If you wish, and you are bold enough, share your answers.  Maybe we can sharpen up a bit.

Imagine I'm a potential client you just met and you want to convince them that they should do a massage with you.  Why?  Tell me.  What makes you different?  Why will they want to come back?  Let's hear you.

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