Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Do So Many Massage Therapy Practices Fail?

Rewards For Your Thoughts

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Today I want to add an incentive for comments.  Anyone making a comment on this blog will receive a free gift.  

This is a special online pdf ebook written by a natural healer in India.  It covers cures and natural healing techniques.  This free gift is offered on my site for sign ups, just for commenting you get it here. 

As should be obvious by now this blog is focused on Massage Therapists in Trinidad and Tobago but the tips and information provided here can be used in any country or location.  Anyone is welcome to comment and get the free gift. As soon as the comment is approved you will be provided the link. 

OK so much for good housekeeping; let's get back to the topic.

Build your practice to attract more clients.

The idea is that you first identify what exactly makes your services unique from all the other massage therapists in your markets.   Why will they choose you?  Is it your lower prices, better service, one stop shop mentality or some other element of your business that will attract clients?

The answer is none of the above.  The fact is that when you study your competition you may find that one or maybe all offer some aspect of the above to attract clients.  To be recognized and differentiated you must know what really make you different from the rest of the crowd.  Here is something that will immediately differentiate your practice; a business and marketing plan. 

As a general rule most therapists begin their practice without a plan.  They will tell you that they do have a plan in their head as to what they intend to do and some would sit down and even sketch out an outline of a business or marketing plan but the reality is that most never do this.  How does this make you different?

Your success depends on you being focused.  There are a number of ways that you can approach the market by being focused you are able to avoid the variety of campaigns, tactics and products that blunts your ability to grow.  Not being focused is the primary reason why so many massage therapy practices fail within 2 to 3 years.  You just cannot market everything to everybody. 

“Know thyself”

As people become more stressed the need for professional massage therapy has increased.  As a therapist you need to position your practice to attract more clients.  Think of your target market as the center, the bull’s eye.  Get to know and understand this segment of your market.  Find out where they live, work, play, read and entertain themselves.   Develop a profile of your perfect massage client.  Male, female, married, single, career type, you must find out everything you can about your target market.

These are the people you will be advertising to, the people you want to attract to your business.  You cannot talk to a face you cannot recognize. 

For example, although you can offer all types of massages you may want to focus primarily on providing therapy for people in pain, sports injuries or geriatric massages.  You need to ensure that the market is large enough to sustain your business.  How do you find out that?  

Let’s look at what your competition is doing, nest post

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