Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Frigidity 2


This is a continuation of the last post by Rinalda here.

He still wanted to know of the other proposals.  The perceived indecent ones.  Well, they may not be indecent at all since we are entitled to the way we feel and should by now be able to own our feelings and not have outside influences make us feel guilty about them.  But yes, the indecent ones abound as suggestions, not impositions, so they are manageable.  

He totally understands the indecent ones as he had no difficulty imagining himself returning the massage, then inviting me to share the shower with him, then for sitting around nude sipping wine, then spending the entire night slowly creeping and crawling over each other in the name of love.  

I told him not to worry, his wife may bounce back from menopause with such intense sexuality, she might need him to be the young man he currently feels he is, otherwise, she might have to go look for a younger man.

And we talked about how right it is for an older man to have a young wife.  Marrying one’s peer only works for youth, but when age steps in, so too does the gulf that separates each other’s desires.  Had he been about 20 years ahead of his wife, her current low libido may have been the ideal match for the frequency of his erections which would have worked out nicely for both of them.  But the attention he pays to his health makes him ever ready to respond to Yin energy.  Well, not any kind.  He does not see himself soliciting the services of a prostitute.  

Though, if he meets a prostitute in a different social setting and she appeals to him, he has no qualms with banter than leads to conjugal relations.  Understood.  And none of this would in any ways reduce or taint his feelings for his wife.  She is the First Lady, which means she should know that there is possibility of there being a Second Lady, Third Lady, etc.  

And like most First Ladies, she knows her place.  He is thankful.  The monogamy thing really isn’t for every man.  Some men are born wine-tasters.  They go from vineyard to vineyard shaking glasses, sipping, gargling, and savouring the different tastes.  In these days of the ‘independent woman’ many men are being paid to do this; some women are even out-paying their competitors to have the wine-taster to themselves.

Anyway, being female, and on the ground that that which ails his wife is common to many women, I’d like to dwell on the issue a bit.  At this stage she is having the night sweats and hot flashes.  I do recall my mother talking of having to change her bed-gown in the middle of the night and the bed sheet each morning because the place was so hot that her side of the bed was soaked.  

With all that sweating my mother’s weight did not budge.  Apparently the heat was never great enough to melt the fat.  You could not pinch her.  She was that compact.  Now it’s different.  She has changed her diet and lost some weight, but she is still solid.  The headaches are another thing some women experience.  They are triggered for no reason and insist on driving you mad.  While every woman experiences menopause differently (some become ill unto death), it is generally agreed that the hormonal changes at puberty in no way prepares a woman for perimenopause.

Next the conclusion of this article. 

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